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What You Should Know About Personal Injury Cases - Getting the Best Outcome in Your Case

Serving Families Throughout Jacksonville
Injured man

Dealing with a personal injury dispute can be a stressful ordeal. When you're trying to recover from an injury, the last thing you probably want to do is engage in a lengthy court case. Knowing what to expect from your personal injury dispute can help you take the necessary steps to make your case more manageable and help your attorney fight for the best outcome on your behalf.

At the Law Offices of Jason K.S. Porter, P.A., we help clients deal with a wide range of personal injury disputes. To work with our team, contact us online or via phone at (904) 701-0591.

Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Many people choose not to hire a personal injury attorney at the outset of their case due to the mistaken assumption that their insurance policy provider will help them obtain the maximum amount of compensation for their injury.

In truth, paying out insurance policies hurts the bottom line for insurance companies, and most will do whatever they can to avoid paying out policies.

A personal injury lawyer will act as your advocate to your insurance provider, ensuring they don't give you the runaround or try and provide you with less support than you deserve.

Your policy provider wants to protect their profits. A personal injury will want to protect you.

Meticulously Document Your Case & Injury

One of the most important aspects of getting a great outcome in a personal injury dispute is ensuring you document every aspect of the accident, your recovery, and the associated costs. The more meticulously you can document how much your injury has cost you and the impact it will have on your life going forward, the easier it will be to get the compensation you deserve.

Keep a record of communications you have with your doctor, including an itemized cost for all services they provide related to your injury. This also extends to related costs, such as paying for a psychologist or physical therapist.

It may also be worth working with an employment expert in your industry, as well as your doctor, to understand how your injury may impact your career prospects moving forward.

A good doctor should be able to provide you with a forecast of sorts detailing just how long it may take for you to recover from your injury enough to return to work, if returning to work is a possibility.

Going the extra mile to get written statements from multiple expert sources and documenting the costs of every aspect of your recovery will help you fight for the best outcome in your case.

Leverage Law Enforcement as a Resource

One of the hardest parts of many personal injury cases is finding out which party's negligence caused the injury at the moment the accident occurred.

Frequently, law enforcement professionals will have the most accurate information from the scene of the accident. Try and find the badge number of whatever officers were first on the scene. Your attorney can work with those law enforcement professionals to gather valuable information that could help you get a better result in your personal injury dispute.

At the Law Offices of Jason K.S. Porter, P.A., our team will do everything in our power to ensure you get the best possible outcome in your personal injury case. Contact us online or via phone at (904) 701-0591 to learn more.
