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Mind Your Mental Health: Smart Ways to Boost Your Mood and Reduce Stress at Home

Serving Families Throughout Jacksonville

Connection and community is important to mental health. While you’re self-isolating, technology may help fill the social gap and improve your mood:

  • Learning something new can have a positive impact on how you feel. Ivy League schools have made nearly 500 online courses free to keep adults occupied while at home.
  • Exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress. Many gyms and clubs are now offering live streaming or online classes. Not a member? Create your own routine and invite friends and family to join online.
  • Meditation and mindfulness apps are an impressive intersection of technology and self-care. The Calm app has compiled free resources online—no download needed! Resources include meditations for stress, sleep, and even meditations for kids.
  • Check-in with your loved ones often. Virtual communication can help you and those you care about feel less lonely and isolated.

A Few Simple Reminders…

  • While it’s easy to feel discouraged right now, everyone needs a break. Establish specific communication channels or times for non-COVID-19 conversations.
  • Consider using the screen time limit feature on your phone or computer. Technology can ultimately be a force for good right now but unplugging completely may also be beneficial for you.
Taking care of yourself, your family, and your community may help you reduce stress and feel better during these uncertain times.